Saturday, November 7, 2009

Off Ramp: Loma Linda Week 7

Week 7: Nov. 1 - Nov.7

The weeks are flying by with 27 treatments under my belt. This week can be summed up as “relational.” It seems like all week long friends new and old crossed our paths. Sunday we started out by taking a trip down to Seal Beach for Diane to attend a wedding shower for my sister and for me to hang out with my Dad. It was a great day at the beach.

It was a bit bittersweet to wrap up Boot Camp this week. The main reason for the sense of sadness was mostly relational. Charles and Courtney have been great and we consider it a privilege to call them our friends. Our Boot Camp partner, Calvin, will be wrapping up his medical treatment soon so it was probably our last time to see him. We were able to spend some quality time with him Thursday afternoon sharing the “bonus” blessings from each of our times here at Loma Linda. It is obvious that we are each here for more than protons. We are determined to keep up our workouts and also maintain our connections with our Boot Camp troop. The sweet part about wrapping up Boot Camp is knowing we made it through it.

We also had the privilege of being blessed by a visit from some dear friends of ours from Orlando, Florida. Friday I was able to have them join me in Gantry 3 where Brian, the technician, introduced them to protons. Like all who see this firsthand, they were truly impressed with this technology.

Saturday it was off to Palm Springs for another day in the sun just hanging out with our good friends from Florida. Each day is a gift and we did unwrap the present.

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